There are days where I can understand why people hate politics. Then, you realize it's just another day in Washington. Tony Hayward's, dare I say, "testimony" yesterday reminded me of a cat with a tail between its legs. Not only was he playing dumb, but he also didn't take any responsibility. I watched the entire hearing, and around the 1,000 "I don't know" I was ready to throw my TV out the window.
It's amazing how many times you can say I don't know in different ways. "I was not aware," "I was not involved in that decision," "I am not qualified to comment on that issue," or my favorite, "it's not you it's me."
At least BP can stop trying to play the good boy. The television advertisements of Tony trying to look compassionate almost worked. Pundits on TV were describing the CEO as a compassionate figure, even after he said all he wanted was his life back, not even thinking about the eleven people who lost theirs on his company's rig.
Then of course there was the Republicans, who felt bad President Obama made BP pay $20 billion for the businesses and families affected by this disaster. But Congressman Joe Barton wasn't thinking about those who are losing their livelihood, he only wanted to score political points. Winning the next election has become so important to some members of Congress that they forget they are actually responsible for running the country.
You would also think a disaster of this magnitude would force Congress to get their act together and pass a climate/energy bill. But no, members of the Senate don't seem it is fair that businesses like BP pay some sort of carbon tax while America transitions to renewable energy.
The whole situation is politics at its worst and for some reason there isn't more outrage. According to polls Americans are divided on whether to continue off shore drilling. Of course, I'm sure if BP was planning to build a rig in their back yard, those Americans in favor of more drilling would change their mind.
Jon Stewart had a great bit the other night where he showed speeches of past presidents trying to change American's energy policy. President Obama's speech from the oval office wasn't bad because it was poorly written, it was bad because he didn't call for anything. He didn't grab the bull by the horns and take control. He missed an opportunity, and no ones taking responsibility.